Dee Marie, M.A., C.Y.T. Dee holds a Masters Degree from New York University in therapeutic exercise and motor development and became certified by the American College of Sports Medicine. She was also the President of the Association of Personal Trainers in New York City for 2 years. Dee uses her extensive educational and practical experience in Dance, yoga therapy, sports training, child and motor development, exercise therapy, relaxation and meditation to provide private and class instruction for individuals of all ages and populations in Colorado and nationally.

Yoga for Children with ADHD

Yoga for Children with ADHD Recent findings across the globe on the beneficial effects of yoga have led this practice to be embraced by adults and children alike. Yoga is used to provide pain relief for migraines and backache, to relieve stress and to increase vitality. It is also considered a complementary therapy for illnesses…

Boulder Source of Good News

Calming Kids: Creating a Non-Violent World offers classical yoga education that focuses on “self-regulation, relaxation and communication,” says CK founder, Dee Marie. SAVE (Stop America’s Violence Everywhere) Colorado representative, Dee Marie has been a Masters Certified Yoga Therapist for 28 years. She’s worked with kids and adults from all walks of life and has dedicated…

Yoga Fool Presents Calming Kids

The mission of Calming Kids is “to train and certify educational and healthcare professionals how to teach yoga in the school systems and clinics.”  CK addresses and manages childhood aggression, obesity, stress, self-abuse, bullying, and violent behavior with a comprehensive, nondenominational, classically-based yoga program in the school and healthcare systems. The methods include yoga psychology,…

The Peaceful Warrior

On the elementary school playground the new girl, Katie, who had just moved in from out of state gets isolated by a pack of girls. “You wear such strange clothes,” “Yeah, you look so weird,” “Why don’t you go back to where you came from” are just a few of the comments from the crowd. The more…

Children’s Yoga in School for Bullying Prevention

Children’s Yoga in School for Bullying Prevention “Right Click” this link to download the full report in PDF. Dee Marie, M.A., S.Y.T. “Jivatam Jyotiretu Vidyam,” “True education (self-knowledge) enlightens human life,” according to Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar the founder of the international Neohumanist Education System and the Ananda Marga Schools. “If we wish to create lasting peace…